Thursday, June 24, 2010


The Bitches Coalition is getting organized! We need ideas about how to get us set up. Ideally, we will have weekly meetings and scheduled events like bowling, dancing, shows, etc. Meetings will cosist of discussions about current events as they pertain to women's isssues, eating, drinking, movies... more? The idea behind The Bitches Coalition is that we strengthen the bonds of womanhood and stick together to enforce positivity in our lives. Oh, and also, that we have fun, a lot of fun.

The Bitches Coalition would also, ideally, be very active online, so that women could log on and read and connect anytime, anywhere. We need volunteers to contribute to the blog by writing about various subjects such as entertainment (movies, music, happenings around town), current events pertaining to women's issues, politics, health issues, etc. If you would like to contribute an article or articles to The Bitches Coalition, that would be awesome!!! Either leave a comment below, or e-mail your article/submission to and we'll go from there.

Thank you everyone for getting excited about The Bitches Coalition! Please be patient while we work out the kinks, and get ready to have a good time. Meeting times will be posted soon! Thanks again everyone!


  1. I'd love to help write for this! I wrote for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's movies and music page a few years ago. Lemme help!
    \m/ \m/

  2. I'd love to write for this as well.
